Our Services
Family History Research

We provide a wide array of family history research services focused on those in the United States with roots reaching back into (primarily) European origins. Our work spans the range from initial exploratory projects to reveal recent ancestors to comprehensive family histories presented in beautiful leather bound books reaching back potentially centuries.
We work with you to identify project goals and then present you with a report of our findings based on those goals. Our reports always include an analysis of the facts, source documentation, and suggestions for further research. Your ancestors are presented in an appropriate family history chart.​
Introductory Family History Package
A perfect starting point to begin your family history journey and understand your ancestry. This package includes identifying ancestors through your 2X great grandparents to start your family tree creation. Depending on your age, this package will provide your ancestors dating back to the mid-1800s. Our research report will include a pedigree chart, GEDCOM file for use with genealogy applications, an analysis of all sources consulted, and images or extracts of all documents found.
This introductory package is priced at $1,000.
Expanded Family History Package
Your recent ancestry revealed and put into historical context. This package contains everything in the Introductory Family History Package with an expanded fully footnoted report that includes additional facts about your family tree and ancestor's lives gleaned from the evidence available, and from the time period they lived - history.
This package will provide you with information such as your ancestor's occupations, where they lived (very possibly including which house, farm, etc), and can reveal if they migrated in family groups. General military history will be provided (if present). It will also provide you with historical context for your ancestry - what it was like for them to live at that time. It can (and most often does) also reveal surprising facts about your ancestors past that have been lost to time, or kept secret for generations.
This package is priced at $2,500.
Ad-Hoc / Custom Family History Research
Expanding your family tree to include more generations, providing clarity for a unique research question, looking at only one ancestor for further information and answers, helping you to break through a 'brick wall', or specialized on-site research to document your ancestor's military service - we will help.
We'll work with you to create a research plan to satisfy your specific goals. Ad-hoc research is based on an hourly or daily rate depending on the type of service requested; travel (if it may be required) is billed at cost with all applicable expenses fully documented for you.
Please contact us to discuss your needs and we'll provide you with an estimate.
Military Service Research

This specialized form of research is provided to determine military service of an ancestor in Colonial America or as a member of the United States military. Military history is an area of special interest and competence for us.
This research is used for lineage society applications and depending on the client's desires, can go well-beyond the general military history detailed in the Expanded Family History Package to include a deep analysis of the units your ancestor belonged to, the battles they participated in, overall historical context, and more. This is specialized research and can include everything from 'available sources' to extensive on-site research at our National Archives and battlefield locations.
Identifying an ancestor who served in a colonial militia, the Revolutionary War, Civil War, or WWII is just the start. We can typically identify the specific units they may have served in and from there tell the story of that person's service, and that of his unit(s). Including historical context brings a story alive - what was it like for them, what battles did they participate in, what did they experience, who did they encounter, and what did they overcome? As one person found out, an ancestor may even have crossed the Delaware with George Washington!
A fascinating area is historical travel to trace the footsteps of an ancestor, it brings your family history alive. This can include migration paths to America, and the route ancestors took across our country over time to where your family is today. Identifying the path a family member took through Europe in WWII and retracing those footsteps is incredibly gratifying. We can identify the places their units were at and what transpired in those locations, providing you with a richly detailed itinerary for travel and understanding.​
Please inquire about your specific requests.
This form of research is billed as ad-hoc research detailed above.
Genetic Genealogy

DNA results can be difficult to interpret. Reported 'Swedish' ancestry may actually be something else entirely. DNA is a powerful tool for genealogists, we're experienced using it in conjunction with traditional genealogy to solve highly complex mysteries.
It's not unusual for people to have unexpected results when they begin uncovering the past with genetic genealogy. We make sense of these discoveries for you.
DNA Test Interpretation
This introductory service is provided to assist people in interpreting what their DNA test reveals (and doesn't) about their cultural/ethnic heritage. It includes establishing a plan of interpretation based on the client's questions, a written report to detail/explain the findings of the DNA test, and answer the client's questions. It also includes suggestions for further DNA testing or research as may be warranted.
This introductory package is priced at $250.
Advanced Genetic Genealogy Research
This may include use of DNA to validate genealogical findings based on documentary research or to establish relationships where there is a lack of documentary evidence. DNA research is a very powerful tool to help overcome roadblocks or brick walls in family history.
This research is custom tailored to the specific needs of the client - please contact us to discuss.
Adoptee / Biological Family Research
It's particularly satisfying to help adoptees uncover information about their biological family history. Only those who have gone their entire lives wondering in the back of their mind 'who am I really' can fully understand; we do.
This type of research is not necessarily complicated, sometimes the step from genetic research to 'standard' genealogical research can be made quickly. Other times answers require extensive use of advanced DNA tools and multiple DNA testing services. Regardless which situation a client may be in, we combine all the tools of traditional and genetic genealogy to provide the knowledge and answers they seek.
Because of the unique nature of each search this service is treated as an ad-hoc research project.
Costs can generally range from $2,500 to $5,000 depending on the situation.
Forensic Genealogy

This type of research supports the work of law firms, law enforcement, fiduciaries, heirs/beneficiaries, administrators, and others that require the following assistance:
Missing/unknown heirs: Heirs are located for estates, probate research, etc...
Affidavits of kinship/due diligence: Complete fully documented research
Identity establishment: Reaching through the fog of common names or conflicting information to properly identify individuals
Contact information: Locate documents and information for missing heirs and beneficiaries
Forensic genealogy research is billed at a standard hourly rate.
Lone Pine Research adheres to the standards of practice and conduct established by the Council for the Advancement of Forensic Genealogy.